Hello there! So out of the blue I decided to open this blog of mine and found out that it has been roughly two years ago that I wrote my last blog. And yeah, if you'd care to read it, I was then an incoming third year student who feared almost anything that awaited him. It was actually a pact with myself about the things which I should and shouldn't do in order for me to survive in the program. Hehehe. Luckily, I managed to beat the odds bringing me to where I am now, ready to tell the tale. Char. But seriously, A LOT has happened since then. And when I say a lot, believe me that even the Great Wall is no match for its length and richness. Haha.
If you're wondering why it's just now that I got the time to revisit this little dainty blog of mine, beats me. I really didn't entirely stop writing because if you go to my Facebook now, you'll see that I am still writing stuff in a corner there called 'Notes'. I didn't find the need to update this blog from that moment that it occurred to me that Blogger isn't on trend anymore and what people now find hip is that photo-sharing app they call Instagram (mine's IG btw: heraldnotnerd) and a blogsite named Tumblr.
So yeah, you now probably get the idea that I'm just a bored soul right now trying to rummage through things from my past. I just finished watching a TV series called Suits and boy, it inspired me big time to proceed into studying Law after I pass the board. And speaking of board exam, six months from now I'm gonna take the CPA board exam and hopefully pass it. Oh God. The pressure. The anxiety. The #&*$&#. I can't even put a finger on what I'm feeling right now. Char. But seriously.
Sometimes I wish I didn't graduate with flying colors because if anything, it only adds a big bout of pressure to my CPA quest. Huhubells. Anyway, the review will start on May 26 and I'll fly to Manila by May 14th. My future roomie Michael helped me arrange and book my dorm and flight and there's no going back now. Huhu. But to be honest, the idea of just working immediately without taking the board and thus without license still crosses my mind. I'm not pressured at all about topping the board because I'm just not really cut out for such feat. I believe that if it happens, then it happens. I'm actually more pressured about just passing the board exam given the fact that we're very much handicapped in a number of board exam subjects. Of course, I wouldn't name those subjects here because doing so directly implicates some of my former teachers and the school itself which rewarded me my silver medal during graduation. Hehe.
So what's really on my mind right now? A lot of things. Both trivial and things of prime importance. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately like why on earth has Twitter not yet updated my account's user view. Goodness. I have been a lot more loyal to Twitter than anyone else and it just irks me that Twitter hasn't seen such goddamn loyalty. Another thing that keeps on bothering me is the fact that a friend of mind recently and accidentally discovered one of my nasty secrets and that I couldn't bring myself to hate her because she's just so kind and soft and angelic. Huhu. And yeah, did I ever mention about me not getting any graduation gift from my parents? Don't get me wrong. I'm not sulking over it. But maybe I am. Huhu. You see, I purposely didn't ask my parents for any Christmas gift last December and birthday gift last January thinking that I'd rather have my gift be given lump-sum during my graduation. And lo and behold, graduation came and there was no fancy gift in sight. Huhu. See? I'm not really sulking over it. But I might really, deeply be. Lesson: ASK and it shall be given. Don't pretend that your parents have the same deduction skills as Sherlock's for they never will figure out things you ask and express through merely implying them. Haha. And one more thing, I'm getting my passport on Monday for reasons I couldn't even fathom myself but which I believe my friend Janelle (remind me to write a separate blog entry about her lovelife soon--it's complicated, I tell you) could provide answers to--or answers for. God, even my grammar acumen isn't on a roll tonight. Haha.
Screw grammar, let's talk about love-life. Oh, wait. I forgot I didn't have any. Haha. Or maybe I did have but it wasn't as documented as Romeo and Juliet's. Haha. Enough with romantic musing. Well, you know what's one of the many regrets I have during my college years? The fact that I didn't muster enough courage to join The Crusaders. Huhu. And the fact that I only started going out of my cave and 'actually' socialize with my blockmates second semester of my junior year. Haha. Sometimes I would find myself thinking and daydreaming that maybe I was a transferee student in my college years and that I got to transfer to XU only in my third year (from Harvard, of course). Everytime my classmates would unearth throwback photos of our freshmen and sophomore years, I just wasn't there with them. Huhu. I always tried to avoid them and make little noise and little fuss as much as possible. But along the way, things needed to change.. and they did change because of certain people (remind me to write a separate blog entry for this one also. Haha!).
As much as I'd like to continue on and write about what my dulling brain is still capable of thinking and remembering, my numbing butt and sleepy eyes dictate otherwise. So I guess that's enough for now. It's just so unbelievably sweltering right now in here and the TV's playing a rerun of an MMK episode about Charice's life--which I don't give a damn about, I'd rather watch our dog try to catch and kill some flies.
I'll write soon. And when I say soon-- it could mean nothing more but eons from now. Ciao!